Monday, April 08, 2013

Dinah Shore and the mystery of Mariah

It's 4AM Sunday morning, and I'm walking the halls of the Hilton with four lesbians I've never met before.  Looking around, it seemed the common thing to be doing in that Palm Springs Hilton - so much so that my random group was beckoned into at least three different parties.


Earlier on Saturday, I'd bitten the bullet and paid the hefty price of admission to the Hilton's "official Dinah Shore" pool party.  This was a party San Francisco would have if it were warm enough - predominantly nude queers dancing the day drinking away, almost.  From my perch at the edge of the pool, I enjoyed an excellent view of girls dancing in bathing suits, girls making out in the pool, and a slightly older new friend named Denise just letting it all hang out.  By the way, we love you, Denise.  My dear shy friend (#3 in my ages-old list of flexible sexuality fiends) even managed to make out with a random girl in front of her girlfriend.

A very kind PE teacher sitting beside me explained that a woman name "Mariah" had hooked her up...

After all that, a fruitless quest for a dispensary open at 7PM, and a nap, Shy #3 and I ventured out to meet a hot tattoo girl we'd engaged earlier at the pool at the evening's party.  By midnight the party had clearly begun to dwindle (continuing drunken lez booty dancing notwithstanding), leaving copious space for Shy #3 to scope out (but fail to game on) a "hot basketball player chick" she was into.  We followed the tattoo girl back to the Hilton to begin wandering the halls.

To find who, what? Mariah! Tattoo girl knew her too.  At 4AM, some rather annoying lez details how she's avoiding Mariah because she "wasn't working this year." This Mariah seemed to be the key to getting into anything Dinah at a reasonable price.  Google suggests this is Mariah Hanson of Club Skirts.  One of the random rooms we walked into had her in it; I know because I kept hearing people whisper "Mariah."  But I still don't know what she looks like.

Anybody know where this mystery Mariah can be found? Fifty dollar reward...

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